Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Date Night Around the Campfire...

Who doesn't love to cuddle up around a crackling campfire, roast marshmallows and chat? Now is the perfect time of year to grab some cozy blankets and hit the woods! Notice how you feel like you can say anything around a campfire? Get romantic and tell your cutie why you fell for him or why you think she has the best laugh. Seriously, now is the time to get cheesy without getting laughed at!

Campfires also allow for fun food sampling! Here are a few Hot Lunch food ideas: pizza...seriously grab dough and roll it out onto foil then add sauce and toppings, roasted Starbursts, popcorn (look for the ones that are specifically for camping-they have a handle), and corn on the cob.

Enjoy, and don't forget the bug repellent!!


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