Monday, December 6, 2010

Romantic Tip of the Week...Got Milk?

Milk happens to be my favorite beverage and really why not? It's perfect with chocolate, cookies and any cold cereal no matter if your a muesli person or a Lucky Charms eater! Whether it's over cereal in the morning or in your morning hot chocolate or coffee, the white stuff is being used.

So what if next time your honey grabs the gallon out of the refrigerator there is a sweet note written in sharpie just for him?! Keep other members of your family in mind, though. My kids can't read so I've got freedom but it gets a little weird when your teenagers start pouring milk on their Cap'n Crunch and see your ridiculously personal message to their dad. You never know, they may love it! Its super fun and definitely starts the morning off right!

Milk. It does a relationship good!


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