Green always reminds me of spring because you can start to see a little bit of green grass trying to poke through the some places. Here in Minnesota we still have snow and will for a while so I try to bring it inside as much as possible. So collected here especially for you is my list of literal and figurative ways to bring more green into your life...while you're waiting for spring to arrive;
#1. Have a green breakfast. It could include green eggs and ham as well as green buttermilk pancakes. Also throw in some green kool-aid (or yummy green smoothie) and some key-lime yogurt.
#2. Plant some wheat grass. Grab some pots and some wheat from your nearest Whole Foods store and you're on your way! Throw in some soil and in a week you'll have a beautiful and tasty (okay not really, but it is great to add to your smoothies) home edition.
#3. Head out to the yard and pull some weeds and plant some flowers. You will end up with a green thumb, beautiful yard, and some nicely toned arms and back!
#4. Grab an extra recycling bin for your trash and make a commitment to fill it instead of your normal garbage this week. Seriously, you will be amazed at the extra space you have when you put literally EVERYTHING that can be recycled in the bin. Put up reminders all over the house.
#5. So I know it's a little cold still for some but what if you picked one day this next week to bike to work? You would feel awesome, look awesome (well probably not) and be doing awesome things for this earth! If not to work, how about to some place you usually drive that is pretty close by...the video store, the pharmacy, the gym. (Then you can cut your gym time in half!)
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